Monday, January 27, 2014

eclecticsoulsheart: By @sematawi_kagemni “These are the 42…


By @sematawi_kagemni “These are the 42 Ideals/Laws of Ma’at* Do they look familiar? Thousands of years later your 10 commandments were created out of them* During these ancient times we took responsibility of our own actions, governed self on right knowledge, and upheld high kingciples and queenciples* When indoctrinated with the 10 commandments some God spoke down to you and belittled you like some mischievous, troublesome child* You shall not do this, you shouldn’t do that (as a finger is pointed).. Do you really have to be told or taught that you should honor your father and mother or that it is wrong to kill another person? This natural law/Ntru Law is already written into the fiber of your being, embedded in your DNA/RNA* We have got so disconnected from Nature and focused our energies and intellect on adverse forces that we have lost self* This is why our ancestors always said “Know Thyself”***HTP*** #kemeticyoga #yoga #kemet #quotes #kemeticproverbs #kggfit #veganpersonaltrainer #fitnessfood #fitness #italisvital #nobloodorbones #healthyself #health #nutrition #vegansofig #vegan #londonpersonaltrainer #holistichealth #holistic #fact #facts #truth #maat #42laws” via @PhotoRepost_app

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