Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Obama Really now

Mikyia mo Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut Abibifo Fahodie Imhetep

Don't let this illusion of Obama fool you. We really need to examine this Magic show they are trying to get to continue to buy tickets to. The following is from Brotha Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan. The first is a webcast or if you prefer Brotha Kwesi has prepared a transcript of the same. Enjoy and remember our enemies never sleep so stay up and ready.
May the Abosom ne Nananom Nsamanfo keep you in Nyamewaa-Nyame Nhyehyee.

Meda ase!



Mikyia mo Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut Abibifo Fahodie Shemhetep

Meda ase!
Saa Shepsu Yaw Khi Ra Ari Ntoru Ur

Uncompromisingly & Unapologetically Obibini



Friday, November 14, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The religious point of the commune

Mikyia mo Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut Abibifo Fahodie Imhetep

If we truly want to succeed with this part of our mission, we need to get into our spiritual origin.We need to go before our Abosom ,Nananom Nsamanfo and get their guiadance and we will find more unity if we are in our original religion/spirituality then just accecting what the akyiwadefo have given us to keep us from reuniting. We are closer in our Ancestral Culture and Religion than in the made up ones. For more clarity please study the following:



The historical origin of Christianity - by Walter Williams

The historical origin of Islam - by Walter Williams



The list can go on and on, however that is not the point. The point is that we are going to create a commune which is not something new to us. We have done this since the beginning of time. We need to Sankofa- go back and return to the ways of our Nananom Nsamanfo for our success. I just wanted to added some more insight to our plan and date with destiny.

Mikyia mo Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut Abibifo Fahodie Shemhetep

Examples for an Afuraka Commune

Mikyia mo Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut Abibifo Fahodie Imhetep

If I could add the Oyotunji Village (Yoruba)in South Carolina or Nyansakrom Sankofaman(Akan) in Virgina would prove to be very great examples of communes that are truly build on and enforce the idea and the reality of Amansesew(Nationbuilding). In my humble opinion to start a study of these two communes will help in our overstanding of our collective Nkrabea(Divnely Alloted Purpose). Maybe we should start a study of all such communes to ensure we are not reinventing the wheel. As I have observed, our commune should have family as a main focus.As such if we use those methods of true investagestion into our spiritual origins we may form better ways of accomplishing our goal. Please find and study the following information below.







As time premates I will add more resources for us to study and consider.
In closing I would like to share what the Aakhuamuman Amaruka Atifi mu states concerning Amansesew-http://www.odwirafo.com/Amansesew.pdf

AMANSESEW is an Akan term meaning Nationbuilding/Restoration. Below is a modified excerpt from the work: OBARIMA Afurakani Manhood by Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan. Note that in the human sphere, only Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut, meaning Africans/Black People, qualify as created entities as properly defined in the excerpt.
“…As you establish balance within the manifestations of your emotional energy you will be able to recognize the physical/mental/intellectual/spiritual assault being waged against you daily from the society of the whites and their offspring. You will therefore be able to discern, properly determine, what is truth and what is false, what you need to accept and what you need to reject. Who and what to love, be in law with, and who and what to hate. Through ritual practice of Nanasom, your Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) Ancestral Religious practice, you must ground yourself. In this process, you have balanced your body, you have balanced your emotional energy, you have balanced your spirit/mind. You are now capable of connecting with other individuals whom have balanced themselves as well and begin the process of Amansesew. Again, you are part of a greater system. All created entities are important components of the world system and have Divinely allotted functions to execute. When you balance yourself, physically and non-physically, your natural compulsion to fulfill your role in Creation will be felt strongly and constantly. Amansesew is a product of this compulsion. You will recognize the reality that to exist under the rule and governance of the whites and their offspring, our enemies, is the ultimate imbalance for the Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit oman (nation/community). You will thus be naturally drawn to those who are engaged or interested in carrying out all seven major aspects of Amansesew: Methods of Food Production and Preservation Methods of Curing Disease Military Structure; Defense; Security Institutionalization of Values (Establishing Institutions) Methods of Governance and Jurisprudence Construction of Homes on Acquired Land Manufacturing of Clothing The Afurakani obarima and Afuraitkaitnit obaa (African~Black man and woman) are compelled to participate in the process of Amansesew in all of these areas. These various aspects of Amansesew are governed by the Abosom of the seven celestial bodies as well [Akradinbosom]. You will find that there will be one or more out of the seven areas that your spirit is drawn more strongly to than all others. Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut recognize that maturity is rooted in independence, sovereignty, self-rule. We are therefore committed to acquiring land and building a nation.
The Afurakani obarima and Afuraitkaitnit obaa balance their bodies and spirits which liberates their consciousness from the spiritual control of the whites and their offspring, their culture and their pseudo-religions. Once liberated, the Afurakani obarima and Afuraitkaitnit obaa then liberate the spirits of their children and those connected to them. They now have a liberated zone—their family and their home. When in connection with other Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit adults of like-spirits, the liberated zone expands, family by family, group by group, until Amansesew is achieved…”
For more information on OBARIMA see: www.odwirafo.com/obarima.html
For more information on the Akradinbosom see: www.odwirafo.com/Akradinbosom_Awusi_Article_Nhomawaa.pdf

Mikyia mo Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut Abibifo Fahodie Shemhetep

Support Of Our Fam

Emhetep Bro Awotunde,
Once again i agree with what is going on. Case in point to what u said earlier"On another note in relation to people who DO claim nationalism there is a great bridge there a lot of times between political nationalism and spiritual/cultural nationalism. Many of the political nationalists NEVER take a step towards their Ancestors or their Ancestral indigenous traditions of Afrika. So there is no real substance because they have not realized that the ONLY way their nationalism will work is through indigenous tradition COMBINED with nationalism." this remains me of what goes on with groups like the moors and so-called african hebrews israelites. What i mean is why try to build our nation with a non afuraka foundation. really what or who does that serve ....in the end .certainly not us in the long run. and yet these sistas and brothas will fight to the

--- In spiritual_nationalism@yahoogroups.com, "Fawesagu Awotunde Yao Faseyin" wrote:
> Mo dupe Saa Sheps for your reply. You are correct in your analysis
> of how Afrikan spiritual and cultural nationalism is often viewed.
> What is sad is that many do not even see the relevance of the
> PRACTICE of said concepts. I often laugh (mostly to myself) when
> people in Afrikan indigenous traditions speak against nationalism or
> do not see its relevance. Why? Because it was nationalism that
> brought the three main traditions that we practice back to us. Lol.
> The original Oba of Oyotunji, the founder of the Abosom tradition as
> practiced here in amerikkka, and the same with the Vodun (Afrikan
> Vodun) traditions were all nationalists - all three of them. If it
> were not their nationalistic beliefs and practices we may not have
> been even practicing these traditions. It was true nationalism that
> sparked REAl ideas of REAL freedom - no, not the sit next to the
> white man and white woman on the toilet seat type of "freedom".
> On another note in relation to people who DO claim nationalism there
> is a great bridge there a lot of times between political nationalism
> and spiritual/cultural nationalism. Many of the political
> nationalists NEVER take a step towards their Ancestors or their
> Ancestral indigenous traditions of Afrika. So there is no real
> substance because they have not realized that the ONLY way their
> nationalism will work is through indigenous tradition COMBINED with
> nationalism.
> And the saga contiinues.
> Odabo
> --- In spiritual_nationalism@yahoogroups.com, "Saa Shepsu DaniyEL"
> wrote:
> >
> > Emhetep Abibifo,
> >
> > just wanted to thank you for the welcome and for all who have and
> > are working to keep this site as well as the main one up for those
> > sistas and brothas who may not be in positions to reach any
> > abosomfie,egbe,temples and the like.Afrikan Spiritual/Cultural
> > Nationalism is a concept and reality that alot of us dont
> understand
> > or just dont seem to care enough bout to go beyond just reading
> the
> > books or wearing some clothes during b.h.m. i see Afrikan
> > Spiritual/Cultural Nationalism taking us beyond just being covert
> > slaves,overstanding these oppessive laws and mastering how to act
> > outside of them. in closing i thank you all once again
> >
> > Shemhetep, Saa Shepsu
> >
> >
> > --- In spiritual_nationalism@yahoogroups.com, "Fawesagu Awotunde
> Yao
> > Faseyin" wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Awa kaabo Saa Sheps ara egbe tuntun. Inu wa dun lati yin nibi.
> > >
> > > We welcome our newest member Saa Sheps. We are happy to se you
> > here.
> > >
> > > Feel free to tell us a bit about yourself, your spiritual
> > background, if
> > > initiated or not, are you a member or affiliated with an house or
> > > organization that teaches indigenous Afrikan spirituality, any
> > > organizations that are aimed at nation building for New Afrikan
> > people,
> > > katha wa katha (Ki Bantu "swahili" for "etc, etc.").
> > >
> > > We also want to invite the other members who have not introduced
> > > themselves to do so at this time.
> > >
> > > odabo
> > >
> > > New Afrikan Vodun - http://www.newafrikanvodun.com
> > >
> > > Publications - http://www.newafrikanvodun.com/iwakeri.html
> > >
> > >
> >